Saturday, November 30, 2013

Modern Art from everyday objects

The distinctive artist Bernard Pras has actually started as a photographer and deals nowadays with art from everyday objects. Its oversized portraits consist of clothing, tools, toys, car tires and many other objects that you can imagine. If you look at his works of art from up close, they look more than a chaotic collection of odds and ends and old things. From a certain perspective and from a distance you can see the size of his art. This art form is known as anamorphosis among the connoisseurs.

Bernard Pras was born in 1952 and studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Toulouse. After twenty years of painting, the artist has a new form of expression found – the art of everyday objects. The base is a drawing and after the draft, he then collects the objects of a certain shape, color and even texture. He then slowly puts together the objects and through his camera, he controls how the effect from afar is. The anamorphic art are sometimes so large that they can fill an entire room. See video at the bottom of exactly how everything is done.

The modern art from everyday objects of Bernard Pras – where you can enjoy this live?

  • - Mazel Galerie

  • - Tony Rocfort Gallery

  • - Photo Edition Berlin

  • - AD Gallery

  • - Sergio Goncalves Galeria

the portrait of the Burkinabe actor Sotigui Kouyaté

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The artist has used even very small objects that you can only see from up close

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Dali as good

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The Jean-Michel Basquiat Portrait of old toys fits a Neo-Expressionists also perfect

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A modernist interpretation of Mahatma Gandhi


The Scream by Edvard Munch in a different way

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If you are passionate about this art from everyday objects, it might be quite interesting for you to look at the next 3 works of art.

The rejuvenation of Jonty Hurwitz

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The Shadow Art by Kumi Yamashita

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Crochet Coral Reef – a project of the Institute For Figuring in Los Angeles

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Modern Art from everyday objects

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