Sunday, January 5, 2014

Are you a hipster lost to Los Angeles? Take a piece of cake to The Pie Hole

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Los Angeles is a city full of contrasts and full of little places that make the city mole galore. To most people who visit for less than 48 hours will not just liking, but if you are someone who has patience and go wondering around her huge neighborhoods at the end you get the hang of and why . Among loitering loitering and you can come up with The Pie Hole , so molona café you become hipster by crossing its doors.

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And if you are someone who dies for a good piece of cake (no matter what flavor) then think I ’;ve ascended directly to heaven . This is because as the name suggests, the pies here are already famous in the city of stars. While to loop the loop, it is best to accompany this sweet delicacy with a good cup of coffee … In the good. Nothing dirty water from those being served in most places in the United States .

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It is situated in the arts district, near Downtown LA . So when downtown is a place that does not cost to find although always good to have the address on hand with a good list of buses that can bring us .

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Are you a hipster lost to Los Angeles? Take a piece of cake to The Pie Hole

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