Saturday, January 11, 2014

This weekend do not miss the free skin cancer screening!


Summer is not only fun should also be aware that we must protect our skin from the sun’;s rays, as overexposure may lead to cancer.

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This Saturday, January 11th , the Dermatologic Circle Peru (CIDERM) have a new free skin cancer screening on the beach in Los Weeds Barranco.


Care specialists start from 10:00 until 13:00 , and also to review the skin lesions swimmers and the general public, provide tips for preventing disease, distributed flyers with information and give away protective dermatological solar.


Here are some recommendations from specialists CIDERM:


  • Use sunscreen protection factor which suit your skin type, they must carry the label SPF higher than 30.

  • Use lenses with sunscreen, wide-brimmed hats, caps and dark colored clothing.

  • Above all, avoid exposure between 10 am and 4 pm, hours of maximum incidence of radiation.

  • The block on the face should be equivalent to a teaspoon or the tip of the index finger.

  • For children, you must use “sunscreen” containing products with special components for a more delicate skin. Blockers for adults can cause allergies in children.


This weekend do not miss the free skin cancer screening!

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