Thursday, January 2, 2014

What decorative purposes have for this year? The question of the week

A new year and with it comes the usual purposes to be a better person, do more sports, promotion at work, go on a diet and, of course, make our home look like that we always dreamed. So to the question of the week I pose to you today is:

What decorative purposes have for this year?

In my case, I have laid end to end on Minue project , which is still stalled because of my lack of time (I have yet to teach the living room, office and bedroom), but I’m sure that you also have many projects in mind I would love to compartierais in Decoesfera Answers .

Maybe it’s because we are still far from the Magi, or is have behaved very badly this year and you did not have anything under the tree, but do not have encouraged too to answer the question about what I had left Santa Decorative Noel . A Jennifer.Gonzalez.90 , which itself has done well, has left the following:

To my left I have a duvet cover I wanted for some time, and one unexpected gift matching bedspreads. Now to see if the Kings leave me some.

In Decoesfera Answers | What decorative purposes have for this year?

What decorative purposes have for this year? The question of the week

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