Saturday, January 11, 2014

You no matter what happened to this girl trying to lose weight


Shirley decided to start a diet , believing it would look better with a few pounds less. He began to eat less and leave out many foods, such as flour, meat, fat, etc.., That’;s what her friends told her to do.


A few months passed and they lost weight , but something was wrong, feeling weak, tired, headache and decided to go to the doctor. What had happened was simple, but many believe it is not so important. The lack of certain foods , protein, good fats, vitamins, etc.. he had caused anemia, which brought all the above symptoms.
Moreover, after 2 months of this incident, he regained the weight he had lost . What happened? Then, rapid weight gain was because Shirley stopped at any moment foods like meat and made ​​a diet based on fruits, vegetables and water. This made ​​her lose weight quickly, but then when you started eating normally rose by 2 x 3 which had already lost.


So here we will give you some tips that can help you have a healthy diet, lose weight healthily and that your weight loss has no rebound effect or do you slacken. put forward to!




Beware calories!:

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1. Try to consume products low in saturated fats , sugars and carbohydrates, but high in protein.


2. Spread your meals into 4 or 5 times a day but in smaller portions, without exceeding the total daily calories recommended by your nutritionist, because if you omit certain foods, such as breakfast or dinner, will achieve only feel hungrier and eat more, so do not skip meals.


3. Consume foods low in sodium , since approximately 70% of our body weight is water, so the food consume high sodium content makes retain more fluids and we increase w7


April. It takes about 2 liters of water  a day and limit soda consumption and / or sugary drinks (this will help remove toxins from your body).


5. Doctors recommend chewing each mouthful at least 10 times and eat slowly to get the full feeling faster.


6. Exercise for 30 minutes 3 ​​to 4 times a week. If you have any heart problems or health problem, is to consult with your doctor the best and tell you what is best for you in the exercise.


7. Evita full eat before bed , much less foods high in sugars, fats and carbohydrates.


Tips for healthier eating:

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  • Eat a good breakfast.

  • Sweeten your food with honey instead of sugar.

  • Try to remove the chips.

  • Drink plenty of water.

  • Energy drinks contain a high percentage of sugar, so you must remove from your list.

  • Change your regular oil for olive oil.

  • Do not mix carbohydrates during meals (such as rice and potatoes).

  • Eat whole grains instead of white flour.

  • Do not eat fruits in quantity or after eating a good meal, since the vast majority of fruits contain high levels of sugar. Do not overdo.

  • Eat white meat

  • Eat small portions every 3 hours.


You no matter what happened to this girl trying to lose weight

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