Monday, September 30, 2013

New Trends: Use glass walls, a practical and beautiful

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If you have a small space and your walls dividing it further dwarf, if you have a house in low light and want to enjoy it in all your rooms and corners , or otherwise have an open and want to continue enjoying it but your needs do not allow it, either because you have kids, you need to share housing or work spaces so relaxed, I have the perfect solution.

Use glass walls, a great solution , a very useful for many homes, beautify and illuminate your rooms. But you just did to the idea, look at this beautiful apartment interior designed by Polish Joanna Freudenreich Kubicek, is spectacularly beautiful.

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They are the typical windows and glazing used in the old factories and warehouses , on occasion we have seen in remodeling, in factories converted into homes or studios, as in a warehouse converted into a wonderful shared study , which simply been preserved.

Today we see how the reused to give them a new use, such as partition walls or individual spaces , put them in the kitchen, in the garden or in the bathroom and in the room, you can always put curtains for times when you want privacy, This not deprive of light and space to your home.

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It is a compromise for those who are not convinced incorporate dining kitchen , look how breathtakingly beautiful it is in this kitchen, combines aesthetics Industrial hydraulic tile floors and classic furniture painted in white . Re-use the same glazing in some kitchen cabinets, is a luxury to behold.

Have you noticed the beautiful detail of the black side table with chrome stools Tolix lower house placed in a corner of the glass is a beautiful combination. While cooking you can see from this viewpoint throughout your home, without feeling that you are separated from it. All decorated in white and black, in contrast to hardwood floors naturally the rest of the floor.

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Take this opportunity to show the entire apartment, you’;ll enjoy it combines classic style pieces, classic industrial design with furniture design. As Tolix stools, the great sofa Cubus by Josef Hoffmann, the original corrugated cardboard chairs Wiggle Side Chair by Frank O. Gehry , or classics like hydraulic tiles and marble basin of the kitchen.

Also uses antique pieces to give a warm touch, in this case original home as radiators and wrought iron columns , wooden table in the dining room or reinterpretations of antique bathtub as wonderful bathroom. Joanna fearlessly mixing all kinds of objects, the ú single common link is colored , all in black and white.

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The bathroom is a real beauty, next to the kitchen is the best of the house, with its white tiles and narrow, typical metro, placed so wainscot, the black and white bathtub and double stack fine black granite, other instead uses hydraulic tile floors, gives a cozy feel to the space .

As you can see use glass walls is a very true for many solutions, is a very versatile to suit any decor , perfect for a loft and sophisticated for a classic home is also perfect for a farmhouse, or a solution giants or practice spaces for small studios.

New Trends: Use glass walls, a practical and beautiful

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