Sunday, December 22, 2013

Refined by Wall Shelves

If all possible surfaces with objects are crowded with you, then it’;s probably time to look around at home and are looking for creative ideas for new storage areas.

Most doors with respect to the wall surface is positioned so that a great deal of space remains about which can not be used. So you can attach high shelves quite there.

Refined by Wall Shelves

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale esszimmer kronleuchter Refined by Wall Shelves other

In this picture you can see a single shelf, which offers space for books, vases and baskets.

In the next photo we see how to create the multilevel shelving area for Collections

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale rustikal fenster Refined by Wall Shelves other

This is a suitable means idea for the cases when there is less space above the door.

Other objects, which can be placed on shelves above the door and can save space, these PEZ dispensers are

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale schrank b%C3%BCcher Refined by Wall Shelves other

Whether you opt for as one or another object, you must remember that you have to think of the pre-planning in these cases. Depending on how high is the space available, you should use pre-made or custom-made shelves.

Bring everything to the right place

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In the shelves there may be flat panels. In many cases these have, however, on the edges, in order to protect the objects from dropping.

Refined by Wall Shelves - interior design ideas, which are concerned with security

Over the life course, it is especially important that you submit a wire to the shelves. This is especially true for regions where earthquakes are likely.

Search carefully the right color

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale leder sessel braun bild Refined by Wall Shelves other

Basically, you need the following decision: Should the shelf in the wall “disappear” or hervortre8 before this. In our case, it was decided at the shelves for the color of the room, thus providing for a seamless look.

If you want to achieve the appearance on the screen, then you should make the same frame, which shares the shelves, but thinner in order to embrace the whole construction.

Next, we have to do with a shelf system that is darker than the wall

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale leder b%C3%BCro schreibtisch Refined by Wall Shelves other

A wall shelf can actually be super functional

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale trennwand bibliothek Refined by Wall Shelves other

Here we see a wonderful example of this. The wall here is the people as a support surface and a library at the same time. There you can store quite a lot of books.

There’;s also something charming about how you can reach the books on the top shelf.

Bring the books to a new level

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale hausbibliothek Refined by Wall Shelves other

Do you have a great room? You can use this advantage to emphasize visually beautiful by the following device idea: Floating library. The only thing you need to make sure is that you have come to this.

A staircase like this in the picture also looks cool. If this is not exactly your style, you can let yourself to come up with other solutions. How about a fold-out stairs, which can disappear as soon as you do not need?

Opt for the right material

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale rot wandfarbe Refined by Wall Shelves other

Many people seem to forget that the wooden shelves are not the only correct option by far. Metal can be very easily used in different shapes and sizes. Here you can see a wonderful furnishing idea that supports this opinion.

Bracing the things

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale rattan st%C3%BChle Refined by Wall Shelves other

These consoles are very important because you will support the shelf and in addition help in this way, it can obviously aushal8 more w7 The consoles can be made of metal and wood, and serve various practical or decorative purposes.

The benefits from these interior design ideas

We have looked at several examples. If we want to come back to the question of how to use these shelves best?

The first example of the number shows that the shelves be a wonder method by which one can expand the space visually.

Provide surprises

d6629 Raffinierte Wandgestaltung durch Regale esszimmer vogelk%C3%A4fig Refined by Wall Shelves other

Collection of vintage Hü10 provides an exciting link between the different rooms.

Refined by Wall Shelves

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