Sunday, January 26, 2014

Centerpiece with candles and shells

The blue color of the candle makes the stay seem brighter, smarter and more relaxed. The blue color produces this sensation.

1342 Centerpiece with candles and shells furniture

Decorate with candles, is a truly splendid. If you choose you can create romantic, comfortable home environments ..

There are many options you have if you decide to decorate with candles .. Remember in the market you can find many different types of .. you including scented candles, candles high, low, round .. floating!

Choose the candle that you like .. this time they have decided to place a fairly thick in the center to decorate the table.

Besides the candle itself has been decorated tastefully, using the cheapest materials. If you have some travel or shells that live near the beach, you are on vacation .. etc, now is the time to use them.

Also try getting a piece of rustic rope and give a natural touch to the whole table and be spectacular.

If you like the idea, it’;s as simple .. Remember that you can decorate one or more candles, depending on how the table.

Take a candle, the color you want, then take a piece of rope. This tied him, outlining all sail, with several turns.

Ends in a knot and leaves 2 loose ends to make a nice loop. After this, grab a shell and adhiérela the rope knot with a little silicone.

Finally, locate the candle in a place you like .. choose a nice base and this is adding some snails and shells.

Centerpiece with candles and shells

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