Saturday, January 25, 2014

Pets free of fleas and a clean home

For a well disinfected home and our health, we have to know how to remove fleas from our cats or kittens.

To do this I leave a tip! If you are sure that your pet has caught these little friends, you should wash it.

1323 Pets free of fleas and a clean home home design

Either dog or cat, we know that the latter is not usually a good bathroom to please them .. but to free them from fleas have to.

Take your pet and put it in a container or in the tub .. depending on how big it is. Now about 3 fingers full of water!

The water with which the fill must be tempered. Now take a little soap, special pet, do not use the one you use regularly.

Thoroughly wash the animal and then rinse thoroughly. Finally, once you have the rinsed hair, you can rub all the hair with a sprig of mint.

Spend the branch throughout the body of the animal, because the mint will drive away fleas and not return.

Remember, our pets, please us every day and we want unconditionally. Try to have a good life and if you need a good vet, do not hesitate to get it.

Pets free of fleas and a clean home

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