Saturday, October 5, 2013

Black color in the interior of the kitchen

Black color in the interior is perhaps the most controversial and difficult to use. On the one hand it is a dark, depressing, funeral, on the other – an elegant, rich and attractive. He can “eat” space and light, and can conversely give infinite depth and do other colors are more vivid. It all depends on the ability to correctly apply the black color in the interior .

Black color in the interior of the kitchen

Let’;s look at examples of successful use of black in the interior of the kitchen .

Kitchen furniture in black only recommended in large spacious rooms, which are also well covered. To make your kitchen did not look at this dark, color of the walls to make the best possible light: light gray, cream or white.

Black color in the interior of the kitchen 2

Black kitchen against white walls someone may seem too strict and cold options. This will soften the interior warm shade of a tree on the floor, whether it be a natural flooring or ceramic tile matching design. This floor looks fairly neutral and does not emphasize on the attention. However, he would like to feather graphic quality black-and-white kitchen.

Black color in the interior of the kitchen 4

If completely black kitchen furniture for you too dark Alternatively, choose a combo cabinets, where part of the facade will be black and the other part – white or any other color. By the way, with black in the interior of the most commonly used colors with warm colors: red, orange, yellow and green salad. Since they neutralize the gloom of black color and black-and-white cold interiors. However, the red color combined with black may seem tragic, so apply this combination should carefully.

Bright spots of color in the interior of the “black” kitchen can not only be in the form of the facades of some lockers, but also as a wall color, countertops, textiles or accessories.

Black color in the interior of the kitchen 5

In the black-and-white interiors can be black furniture against white walls, but on the contrary, light furniture and black walls. Black background adds depth to the space, as if drawing back into the depths, and the white cabinets are in such a combination is particularly bright and smart.

If black facade wall of the kitchen or working to make glossy, it does not reduce, but rather enhance the space. The dark glossy surface work almost like a mirror.

Black color in the interior of the kitchen 7

And, in the end, the easiest option to use black kitchen interior. It can be a bit of a loop to the overall picture. As the stroke pattern in black marker. This kitchen is black and can not be named, but in these examples, you can be sure that not necessarily just abandon the black, if you are afraid of darkness. In contrast, black lines give the brightness and complete the interior.

Black color in the interior of the kitchen

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