Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Colorful great home furnishings to 150 square meters

The designer Frances Merrill believes that each house can be transformed into a personal paradise.

The present house of her family saw the beginning of terrible. But now you have it converted by small ideas into a wonderful place.

The house at a glance:

Who lives here: Frances Merrill, her husband, production director of the American Film Institute, and their 2 children, Honor and Rex

Location: Silver Lake neighborhood in Los Angeles

Size: 150 square feet, 2 bedrooms and detached guest room, 1 bathroom

Year built: 1928

An interesting fact: It has been housed here, the teams with some shooting

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At the sight of the house before purchasing one wanted to be based on something else because of the terrible facade.Merrill, however, has meant that a layer of paint will make everything look much nicer.

The selection of the shading was a challenge in itself. The solution with metal color has proven to be very successful.

This sofa was found on the road

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Their design looks very personally by the manifold Throw Pillow.

Here you see the ergonomic arrangement of the books on the shelf above the window and on a pile next

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You can also see an old, renovated by surprising floral upholstery theater chair here.

The living area is the epicenter of the house

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Red vintage chair you found at a farm shop. The image above is a work of the house owner himself

In the kitchen you have chosen the solution of the open shelves

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Probably because everyone in the family like something in between nibbles …

Here you can see practical storage area next to the window

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The building works have been converted into a guest room and the beautiful results you see in the picture here

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Here we see an oversized Christmas card, bookshelves on the roof and other interesting additions.

The blanket is made of the Scout years of Chris and was placed here on a beautiful vintage chair

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Stone pillow made of leather located in the main bedroom. This is the old garage.

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The control unit here shows wonderful books Collections

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The large portrait of George Washington is a gift from the grandmother of Chris and the small one is a work of a painter friend of the family

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The head was covered with a piece of leather reused

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The tables were covered with marble surfaces

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The portrait shows the grandmother of Chris, which has once been mayor of Rockland, Maine.

The crib is from Ikea. The plants inside are DIY and this has made himself Chris

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Would not you like to spend in this wigwam full of cozy blankets some time?

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We conclude with the words of Frances itself:

“I like being surrounded with things that have meaning.You must include the design or leave that impression. “She says. ”Together to create all these objects a very personal atmosphere.”

Colorful great home furnishings to 150 square meters

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