Thursday, October 10, 2013

Pumpkin decorating ideas - cool autumn decoration to make your own

c6acc k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen minik%C3%BCrbisse in glasbeh%C3%A4lter

Artful Autumn decoration with great pumpkin decorating ideas

Pumpkins are not only the ultimate Halloween decoration, but generally an artful autumn decoration that suits every taste. Today we show you some pumpkin decorating ideas to make your own. Let yourself fall fascination with the plug in and decorate your indoor and outdoor spaces with this beautiful natural creations.

Choose unexpected places for your decoration

Find pumpkins on the stairs or on the dresser boring and mundane? Look out! Here are the pumpkins are placed under glass cheese domes. Mini pumpkins perfect fit in as well in bowls and cake stands to see very original. For better contrast, you can lie down under the green moss pumpkins.

Nature is an extraordinary painter, use of the

c6acc k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen orange k%C3%BCrbisse auf gr%C3%BCnem moos

If you have pumpkins in bright orange and red colors, then just bring them out in rows on the floor in the living room. Especially when they look gorgeous white plaster. They fit perfectly even to minimalist interiors.

Additional fresh touches like sunflowers are very welcome - Design of dog Laudi Studio

c6acc k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen in orange und rot unter der schwebenden treppe

Why must it always be exuberant?

c6acc k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen in reihen auf dem esstisch

Try it this time much simpler and form a row of pumpkins on your dinner table. So they draw more attention to themselves and their colors and texture are better enjoy. The exterior design is an idea of Pearson Design Group .

Tint your pumpkins!

It’;s not a completely new decoration idea – to color pumpkins. The way, however, how to do that is new here. You see in the picture below, the ornately painted pumpkins in contrasting colors. If you want to achieve the same effect, then you need even masking out the colors you have chosen. That you can use in a 2 tone paint and colored just as good for wrapping.

Artistically stimulating colors

c6acc k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen in gelb und orange mit streifen

Do you like the ombre style?

e0e4c k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen leuchtendes orange und magenta

This style is not only cool for your hair, but also your home decoration. Blurred into each other, radiant colors, as in this DIY project from Funky Time up, turn any pumpkin into a magnificent work. You can gestal8 the color combination as desired.

Geometric it goes on. Tint your pumpkins in gold , magenta and white, or let your imagination run wild and design the round pumpkins to your taste and style of living.

Colourful decoration ideas of Ciera Design

e0e4c k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen geometrisch bemalt pink und gold

No less interesting is the next idea of ​​CWStyling. All in white! Why, it is not very unexpected, and therefore conspicuous. Try it out. Additional items of decoration in white, such as this pennant garland strengthen even more the unusual effect.

Brilliant white on rustic table

e0e4c k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen schneewei%C3%9F wie skulpturen

Pumpkins and Succulents

Succulents such as Sempervivum Houseleek are the perfect partner for your pumpkins. Surely you have seen so many times pumpkin decoration with roses and hydrangeas. Succulents come here before not so often, but are very fitting. In the picture below you can admire a stylish table decoration with pumpkins and succulents.

Photo of Jeff Hanley

e0e4c k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen mini in orange und granatapfel

Succulent with smooth shapes in rosernen, green and purple shades

e0e4c k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen dachwurz und immergr%C3%BCn

These great decorative partners together with altar candles are a stylish, tasteful table decorations

e0e4c k%C3%BCrbis dekoideen tischdekoration sempervivum

Pumpkin decorating ideas - cool autumn decoration to make your own

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