Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Kitchen Ideas for Modernize one

The aesthetic of a kitchen or even a bathroom that has a certain age can tarnish an entire contemporary home . Sometimes a stay requires updating touches that will improve not only your appearance, because this can also affect the comfort and functionality of an interior.

This time meet some ideas to modernize a kitchen , from a model that stands for change that was achieved result of a reorganization of space in addition to changes in furniture, lighting and wall coverings.

In the original version of the kitchen countertop had white tiles, a clean finish but does not provide value added to the set. The furniture design also responds to lines other times.

To renew the look of the room, all the furniture and appliances for more practical, modern and allow better utilization of space and saves considerable energy models were changed.

In the new kitchen, natural finishes and a color scheme that is balanced between the warmth of the wood color is green and the freshness of a pastel-bet. It is a nice, elegant and modern set. The details chrome furniture, appliances and faucets, also contribute to air a modern decor .

It dispenses with household furniture and appliances robust design, however, to complete a current setting is advisable to choose outright models visually lighter lines and not recharge the atmosphere.

Another change in this kitchen and stands both for the interesting finish as the large area they occupy, are white tiles, which have been replaced by a glass coating. This element provides an edgy, minimalist wink, and super simple maintenance demand.

Lighting has also been renewed, and we chose the furniture fronts to create a set of refined aesthetic and uniform, as can be seen in the solution proposed for the oven, which blends with the rest of the furniture.

1243 Kitchen Ideas for Modernize one kitchen bath

216 Kitchen Ideas for Modernize one kitchen bath

311 Kitchen Ideas for Modernize one kitchen bath

Kitchen Ideas for Modernize one

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