Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Youth Bedroom Very Feminine

This youthful and girly bedroom textiles add warmth, colors and textures are featured with attractive designs and flood the whole atmosphere. Designed as room for a girl, this space has more comfortable and practical furniture distinct areas.

One of the ideas to make space fail roof pitch, and that is where it has built a study area that includes a storage space. In this corner of the room, the furniture is made ​​up made ​​parts, and beside a desk, a bookshelf design with simple lines and white finish, which accompanies the aesthetic of the rest of the bedroom furniture .

White, turquoise and fuchsia pink make up the color scheme that identifies the decor of this room girls . With the combination of fuchsia and turquoise decorative accessories give life and color to the environment, using different patterns and provide an interesting dynamic.

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Youth Bedroom Very Feminine

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