Monday, December 30, 2013

Nails decorated with colorful rain

Definitely, the decorated nail color is fashionable and to be fashionable today I want to show a design made ​​with different colored enamels, as well as a colorful rain.


d48e8 0 Nail art decoration with colorful rain Ideas

The materials needed are: two tools with rounded tips of different sizes to make the points, a glaze that is colorless, another white, black and others who are of different colors.


Before applying nail color apply a layer of colorless nail and your nails are protected.

Paint the background color using white and black, you can paint with these two colors interspersed, ie: one black nail color and Blano another color.

With the tool to make points, which has the largest tip, it gets a little glaze and place great points in different places of your nails, but nails in white and put white dots on black white.

Now place small dots in the same colors, only this time you must make them the center of each point and opposite color.

Almost finished, place a smaller center of each point using different colored enamel point and in some may put a smaller extent still white.

Finally apply a coat of colorless nail and your nails decorated will last much longer.

Nails decorated with colorful rain

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