Friday, October 4, 2013

Beautiful porch inspirations

Love your porch just as it is? Or you have to remodel it before? If so, then we have some chic porch designs and tips for you.

An inspiring example of this multi-level patio remodeling construction wooden planks. Previously it was just a small terrace and today the porch is a cozy, stylish oasis of outdoor Tätigkei8. You can relax, read, chat or simply enjoy the lush natural surroundings.

Sturdy wooden pillars supporting the spacious veranda

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Downstairs there is an additional covered terrace, which ensures more privacy. You can walk from there directly into the garden or in the forest. It is a clever design that looks natural and multifunctional.

Colourful fabrics and fine materials

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Set up to only fabrics and textures of good quality. You have to wind and weather resist. There is a wide choice of materials for UV radiation, mold, moisture and temperature changes are not a problem nowadays. Seek advice from experts and provide you fresh for a longer look at your veranda.

How about a pinch of exoticism?

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What in any case is a must on your porch, are plants. Low shrubs or flowers you can plant them in original planters with colorful patterns. Dragon or other types of palm trees are your patio an exotic touch lend.

How to find this oval dining table and wrought iron chairs?

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Place an elegant dining table and matching chairs made of wrought iron it on your porch. This would be in the best position near the door of the enclosure. So the way to the kitchen is not long and you and your guests can conveniently operate on a evening of entertainment. Candles and flowers on the table to make their romantic post and provide a good mood.

In the summer heat with a sun protection sun sails fabric is very welcome

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Create more joy for the children with swings elegant

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Look further still. Get inspired and create your new front porch. They will thank you for it by not giving you and your family and guests many memorable conversations and joyful togetherness.

On this porch you can organize many activities simultaneously

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Cosy entertaining by the fireplace or a stylish meal together

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Old tin pots are perfect for your outdoor area

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An outdoor fireplace is also not a bad idea

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A Shabby Chic touch bring a certain something with it

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Everything you need for an outdoor buffet

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Festival of colors with views of the city

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Enjoy your favorite drink in the sun

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Natural stone and dark wood for the counter

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So a glass of wine tastes even better

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Beautiful porch inspirations

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