Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Christmas Tree Decoration: New and cute ideas!

I love that come December and decorate the house with beautiful colored lights and arm with my family the Christmas tree. In this post I’;ll show new trends in tree decoration Pay attention!

Trees decorated in red traditional

The green and red decor is traditional for the Christmas season and although the days have changed and trends are different, this style will never go out of style. So in this post I will give some ideas for decorating your tree on these beautiful colors.

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Decoration in red for your Christmas tree


To have a harmonious decor, I suggest having the same issue in such ornaments are decorated in cloth dolls, or angels , or glass dolls You decide!

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Decoration with red ribbons


Ties Christmas ornaments are the most resorted to decorate our tree , either because it is easy or because they look great. I remember last year my mom and I went to Magdalena market and bought only the tapes, there are many options, we chose a velvet ribbon with silver glitter. Then we made ​​by ourselves ties was fun!

I leave you a video where they teach you to make beautiful bows for decorating your tree:

White tree decoration

White trees have become favorites of children and adults, though I prefer the traditional, I have seen beautiful decorations for these trees, if you have one pays attention!

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Decoration green to white tree


Always taking into account the decor of the place where you’;ll place your tree you can choose the color of the ornament s for your tree, try to keep a harmony to make it look tidy. I recommend you choose several shades of the same color as in the previous case, which has different shades of green.

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Fun colors decoration


In the former case we used beads of many colors, this type of decoration is recommended if you have children at home They’;ll love it! The Christmas balls you can find them in all the stores, and you can put on your tree some fabric dolls It looks lovely!

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Christmas Decorations I love purple!


This decoration in particular, I really like, as it reached anice balance between room decor and Christmas decorations. Ties purples and greens interspersed enliven the white tree To account!

Creative Christmas Decoration Christmas joy!

It’;s time to be creative, the month of Christmas has arrived and is a time to share with your loved ones so I enjoydecorating with my family. In this part of the post you will find cute ideas to decorate your tree in a different way.

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Decorating with dried flowers for christmas


A good idea is to decorate your tree with dried flowers, with the help of a professional gardener or flowers can make a beautiful piece of art that your guests will love.Also do not need any extra care as they are dried flowers Love it!

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Tree decoration in turquoise


The turquoise and blue are perfect colors for this time, I remember last year my house was decorated in blue, bought blue led lights and everything was beautiful I recommend it!

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Decorate your tree in a creative way!


In stores different ornaments you have noticed, I imagine, purchasing the most catches your attention and build a nice decoration. remember that everything must have a harmony. Now that you know do not hesitate to be creative when decorating your tree Luck!

Christmas Tree Decoration: New and cute ideas!

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