Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Have you seen the latest color trends for fall 2013?

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Autumn and the coming winter are without doubt the most active seasons with the interior decoration. So many holidays and festivals lined up together – Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas, Christmas and New Year. So many reasons to celebrate and decorate.Everything counts in interior decoration, but the colors are sicherlch the most important decorative ingredients that you need.

Today it’;s about the new fall colors trends while living 2013. We have 35 stylish designs collected in this way we will present the main trends in terms of colors before. Strong and stylish spread the autumn colors abundant heat. The main sounds are 5, with the darker, tasteful shades predominate.

How do you like this stylish dining table in high gloss raspberries?

Gray is not the same gray

61f33 herbstfarben trends grau luxus im schlafzimmer

Spirited and very soft

61f33 herbstfarben trends kardinalrot und schafsfell

Magenta accents are always refreshing and flowery

61f33 herbstfarben trends fuchsia akzente im wohnzimmer

Purple reigns over all

The color purple has always been associated with luxury and opulence. Feel free to choose your favorite shade of this royal hue. Whether the noble violet, the serious dark purple, lavender or the cooling choose, the result certainly will radiate elegance and sophistication.

Classy and modern at the same time

61f33 herbstfarben trends lila w%C3%A4nde und bettw%C3%A4sche

Plush in Purple

61f33 herbstfarben trends pl%C3%BCsch st%C3%BChle in lina

Tasteful color combination

61f33 herbstfarben trends minimalistisch in gedeckten farben

Mid-century elegance

61f33 herbstfarben trends dunkles grau und violett

Artistically in purple

61f33 herbstfarben trends violette couch und moderne wandkunst

Eclectic sophistication

61f33 herbstfarben trends offener kamin kristallkronleuchter

Dim lighting in Lavender

61f33 herbstfarben trends lila nuancen durch tischlampen

Passionate Ruby

The next trend autumn color in our collection is the red Get an ambience full of vitality and passion with ruby red! This color is perfect to use not only as a beautiful autumn accent, but also in winter very suitable and popular. Think of Christmas and New Year. And please, avoid pastel shades. You will only mess up the lively atmosphere or gradate at least.

Temperament and Love

61f33 herbstfarben trends rubinrote ottomane winziger beistelltisch

Decent luxury

42208 herbstfarben trends weinrote akzente bettw%C3%A4sche und l%C3%A4ufer

Minimalism in high gloss

42208 herbstfarben trends industriellesdesignin schwarz rot und wei%C3%9F

Supple and inviting

42208 herbstfarben trends korallenrote vorh%C3%A4nge und germusterte kissen

Warm tones and soft textures

42208 herbstfarben trends orange akzent bettdecke und panoramafenster

A Perfect Pair – Red and Black

42208 herbstfarben trends akzentwand in rot

Gray is the new white

Yes, properly understood. The gray is nowadays more often as the background for modern interiors used as white. That Gray has many steps and undertones, is no longer a secret. Our advice is to choose the lighter shades because that is easier to work with. You can use the gray background with stimulating accents combine exactly as good as with neutral or white furniture or surfaces.

Eye-catcher – Wall plate on gray background

42208 herbstfarben trends wandteller creme und grau

Gray seems less serious with lemon yellow accents

42208 herbstfarben trends grau und zitronengelb

Comfort in white and gray

42208 herbstfarben trends korbst%C3%BChle weich gepolstert

Modern minimalism in Scandinavian style

42208 herbstfarben trends wei%C3%9Fes leder bett graue bodendielen

Romance in Lavender

42208 herbstfarben trends lavendel akzente bettbank kissen

Moss green exudes naturalness

Although Emerald is one of the most modern colors in this year, 2 other green nuances play a very important role in the latest trends autumn colors – moss green and olive green. With its natural look these colors have a lot of designer inspired. They can also serve as the perfect background for your Christmas and New Year decoration. They can be combined with almost all Farbpalet8.

Moss green is calming

42208 herbstfarben trends teakholz m%C3%B6bel grasgr%C3%BCne w%C3%A4nde

Yellow-green hues exude additional light

42208 herbstfarben trends gelbgr%C3%BCne w%C3%A4nde und dekokissen

Fresh and juicy magenta mint green

42208 herbstfarben trends minzgr%C3%BCne vorh%C3%A4nge magenta sessel

Pastel Green is the color proper sleep

42208 herbstfarben trends naturfarben beige hellbraun und apfelgr%C3%BCn

But graduated noble

92b97 herbstfarben trends marmor k%C3%BCcheninsel in dunkelgrau

Great Color Trio – olive green, pastel lavender and lemon yellow


Lively and fresh in Fuchsia

Hot and trendy, the fuchsia is back. If you want to be sure that your interior design looks fresh and chic, then take these fashionable color. Make sure that the background is as neutral as possible. Then radiate your fuchsia accents even more intense. If you like it natural, then you combine your Fuchsia with soothing shades of green and enjoy the balance of nature even at your home.

Fuchsia strips for fresh energy

92b97 herbstfarben trends magenta streifen auf sessel

Color combination – pure nature

92b97 herbstfarben trends gr%C3%BCne mundgeblasene flaschen und fuchsia akzente

Modern interior with hunting lodge atmosphere

92b97 herbstfarben trends pink und dunkellila

Fantastic for real princesses

92b97 herbstfarben trends kinderzimmer in helllilaund ges%C3%A4ttigtem pink

Comfortable with the Womb Chair by Eero Saarinen in Fuchsia

92b97 herbstfarben trends wei%C3%9Fer fellteppich und magenta womb chair

Deep pile carpet in magenta and fireplace

92b97 herbstfarben trends deckenfenster magenta teppich

Have you seen the latest color trends for fall 2013?

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