Friday, October 4, 2013

Colorful shrubs for your garden

d5c72 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche diabolo in weinrot

Colorful shrubs for your unique garden design

Today we present you 27 grand, colorful shrubs that will give your garden a distinctive flair to lend. You have an interesting name and unique character. They come here from all over the world and give you much joy. Invite this exotic and let them feel at home!

Above is the first plant from our collection – the Ninebark Diabolo. North America is the home of this bush. Hardy and robust plant survived the heat and drought – period. The hare and the deer usually ignore him. The foliage is purple and enchanting look in your garden. Early summer the plant has delicate white Blü10 and in winter , the bark peels in a strange way. Their botanic name is Physocarpus ’;Monlo’;, and is up to 3 m high.


d5c72 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche sambucus eva

The elderberry is a very elegant plant, and many gardeners have simply fallen in love with it. Her purple-black leaves resemble a fine crochet. Its Latin name is Sambucus ’;Eva’;,. It grows very quickly and is easy to clean. Is approximately 2.5 m high and reaches a diameter of about 3 m.


d5c72 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche cotinus

The Smoke Tree or Cotinus is a very strange creature. Its leaves are like velvet. In winter they change from purple to orange-red and the plant blooms in spring with delicate pink blue8. Sometimes the smoke tree can reach up to 4 m high. The plant is robust and loves almost all Bodenar8.

Pink Weigela

d5c72 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche weigela rosa

The Pink Weigela is a small shrub with great effect. It is about 1 , 5 m high and has magical pink Blü10 in the spring. It is drought resistant and wild animals such as deer, for example, usually do not eat them.

The compressive Veronika

50cea farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche hebe in lila

Here comes the upsetting Veronica. Beautiful purple Blü10 decorate the elegant leaves, which are slowly from purple to green. The plant is medium in size and can reach 2,5 m high. This is an evergreen beauty.

Blue Pike Rose

50cea farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche rosa glauca

Rosa glauca or called Blue Rose Hecht. It is not a classic rose, but a shrub of up to 2 m high and can be magical gray-purple leaves. Beautiful pink Blü10 adorn the plant in late summer and autumn form rose hips, which then attract the birds.

Sky Bamboo Nandina

50cea farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche nandina monum

Nandina ’;Monum’;, is the botanical name of this magical herb. It changes color throughout the year. In the beginning, when young leaves are purple and by the time they are dark green. In winter, the foliage is dark purple. The sky bamboo is about 1.5 m tall.

If you look at the next lovely shrubs and bushes from our collection, you will find that each has its own charm. But all have something in common – they will make your garden colorful and unique. Choose your favorites and upload them with love and joy in your garden.


50cea farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche loropetalum chinense

Rose Glow Barberry

50cea farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche berberis thunbergii

Ninebark ‘Dart’;; s Gold ’;;

50cea farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche physocarpus

Grape Elderberry

50cea farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche sambucus racemosa

Sawara cypress

50cea farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche chamaecyparis pisifera

Gold-green euonymus

6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche euonymus fortunei

The Vinegar Tree

6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche rhus typhina

Japanese Spirea

6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche spiraea japonica

Beauty Bush

6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche kolkwitzia

Harlequin pasture

6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche salix integra

Japanese Aucuba

6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche aucuba japonica

China Lantern

6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche abutilon pictum

The Osmanthus

6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche osmanthus heterophyllus


6b4bd farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche ilex aquifolium

Cornus alba

b4c39 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche cournus alba


b4c39 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche hydrangea macrophylla

the daphne

b4c39 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche daphne burkwoodii

Weigela Florida

b4c39 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche weigela florida


b4c39 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche fothergilla major

Honey Bush

b4c39 farbenfrohe b%C3%BCsche melianthus major


Colorful shrubs for your garden

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