Tuesday, December 17, 2013

11 DIY decoration made of paper

Our 11 Craft Ideas for Decoration made of paper would help you to use the large bundle of newspapers, magazines, old books again and to create creative pieces of it. We will give you ideas of how you can turn a piece of paper into a work of art. One can both table decoration, decoration for the living room and the garden as well as beautiful envelopes machen.Wenn you have paper in excess, you opt for some of these craft ideas! You will not regret it!


11 DIY decoration made ​​of paper

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Made of recycled paper made shopping bag can be used for various purposes.

Paper spring

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A beautiful, homemade envelope

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Paper circles

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Red color with white dots and green ribbon – it looks really fresh and girlish 7e2b1 bastelideen papier briefumschlag bunt getupft geschenk geburtstag 11 DIY decoration made of paper other

Handmade paper roses

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Flowers made of paper

7e2b1 DIY Deko aus Papier bl%C3%BCte filz karton perlen 11 DIY decoration made of paper other

Faceted Vase

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Flowers made from vintage books

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Paper stars

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Christmas tree made of paper

7e2b1 DIY Deko aus Papier tannenbaum gr%C3%BCn glasdeckel 11 DIY decoration made of paper other

Eggshells of paper

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11 DIY decoration made of paper

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