Saturday, December 14, 2013

Vertical Garden: A concept that will change the style of life instead

I find that the city man now enters a new era in life. It is sometime in a world of concrete, glass and stone aufegwacht and has started to crave the beauty and comfort of nature. The parks and green areas become smaller every day and the trees and flowers have significant difficulties grow.

But it has now found a wonderful solution: vertical and hanging Gär8. It is said that they were one of the 6 wonders of the ancient world. They have been invented in Babylon. This has then created Nabucodonosor the second for one of his wives.

This concept has been refreshed by some contemporary designers. They have opened up completely new gardens of this type at an angle of 90 degrees. It can thus be almost any type of construction cover: big houses, apartments and even office buildings. These gardens tend to have a dual purpose. They make the room more beautiful and erfrishen the air.

In the form below, we see the innovative concept of a British society. You have created the Aquadyne: it is a revolutionary system. 20 Quadratmerter of this surface cleans 1 Ton toxic emissions.

It’;s worth it for your health, right? Now enjoy a few super beautiful hanging gardens of designer Patrick Blanc!

 Vertical garden in the city

1c763 Vertikaler Garten geb%C3%A4ude fassade attraktiv

Beautiful garden design – glass facade

1c763 Vertikaler Garten geb%C3%A4ude fassade glas fenster t%C3%BCren

Striking terraces

1c763 Vertikaler Garten geb%C3%A4ude fassade terrassen gel%C3%A4nder

Variety of plant species – right garden art

1c763 Vertikaler Garten geb%C3%A4ude gel%C3%A4nder treppe stadt

Huge garden at the outer wall

1c763 Vertikaler Garten geb%C3%A4ude stadt fassade kunst

Hanging Gardens

1c763 Vertikaler Garten geb%C3%A4ude stadt leben design gestaltung



Vertical Garden: A concept that will change the style of life instead

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