Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Kitchen ideas for the efficient design

Are you ready for a more efficient kitchen design with style? Then you definitely need a few handy tips like this one. With their help, you will not only save space, but can set up a well-ordered kitchen. The common kitchen furniture for dishes and kitchen accessories are open shelves or cabinets. But you are just one of the many decorating ideas that you can implement.

Very original and practical, for example hanging dish racks or shelves. These can be placed over the kitchen island or even over the dining table. Sturdy wooden or metal bars also offer plenty of space for your pans or pots. A very good solution for the kitchen design are cabinets with hidden storage space. They have some drawers where you can store many items, or even food.

A chic vertical storage

d7449 k%C3%BCchenideen aluminium haken

And yes, of course, the kitchen island itself benefit from this as efficiently as possible. In its base provides plenty of space for shelves or drawers. So you have dishes, pots or other important stuff always in control. Even books and toys can be stowed in the kitchen island.

If you stand on rustic style, you can use woven baskets and boxes or order shelves and cabinets made of natural wood. For an unusual, creative touch to customize wall shelves from old wooden pallets or crates of beer.

Colorful with plenty of storage space

Sturdy iron frame and wooden boards

d7449 k%C3%BCchenideen deckenhohes regal f%C3%BCr gechirr

The built-in wardrobe to double-sided shelves hide

d7449 k%C3%BCchenideen doppelseitige regale im schrank

Precious and very original with hanging pans and bottles

d7449 k%C3%BCchenideen geschirrgestell %C3%BCber dem tisch

Use food-safe container made of glass or wood and canvas

d7449 k%C3%BCchenideen gl%C3%A4ser und geflochtene schalen

Spacious kitchen island often have side shelves

d7449 k%C3%BCchenideen h%C3%A4ngende geschirrablage

The hanging pots you can decorate with chillies and herbs

d7449 k%C3%BCchenideen h%C3%A4ngende pfannen und chilis

For a chic DIY Touch

d7449 k%C3%BCchenideen holzpalette als wandregal

White painted cabinets and marble – classic Kücheneleganz

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen k%C3%BCcheninsel mit geschirschr%C3%A4nken

The lighting you can do strategically

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen k%C3%BCcheninsel mit marmor arbeitsfl%C3%A4che

Kitchen romance – why not?

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen langes vitrinenregal

The pots and pans you can attach directly on the shelf

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen offene regale und h%C3%A4ngende t%C3%B6pfe

It has something of the middle of the century, right?

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen regal mit %C3%BCberschrif8

For those who like it more robust

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen robuste regalbretter und metallstange

The hanging lamps in the industrial style to the table perfectly match the cabinets shelves

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen robuster esstisch und h%C3%A4ngelampen im industriestil

Colorful glass and plastic

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen rollender beistelltisch

As from ancient times

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen rustikal mit geschirrregal

Rattankisten are elegant and practical for the kitchen

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen schicke kommode mit geflochtenen kis8

Perfect dishes ordered at the window

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen schickes regal f%C3%BCr teller und tassen

Narrow food shelves

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen schmale doppelseitige regale

Compact and well organized

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen schranksystem metallene ablagen und k%C3%B6rbe

Organization system Kitchen

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen schranksystem mit viel stauraum

Efficient Kitchen Rules

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen schubladen f%C3%BCr gem%C3%BCse und brot

Vintage cabinet with drawers for food

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen schubladen mit geflochtenen k%C3%B6rbchen

Filigree drainer at the window

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen schwebendes geschirregal

Steel shelves with maximum storage capacity

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen stahl regale

So bring beautiful plate issued a special touch

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen tellerregal und h%C3%A4ngende tassen

Original and rustic in stages

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen treppenf%C3%B6rmige geschirregale

Precious woods and natural stones

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen tresen mit regalen und schubladen

If you have quite a lot of dishes

39547 k%C3%BCchenideen wandregal selber bauen

And when you start with the kitchen design? We are sure this beautiful kitchen ideas you have enriched and given you an extra motivation.

Kitchen ideas for the efficient design

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