Wednesday, November 6, 2013

How to choose the colors of my furniture

We always have many questions and concerns regardingcolored . They begin with of what color we paint every part of our house or depa, but this increases when it is a desicion, and furniture to buy . And I do not mean the model, size, color style, but they will have. We do not think that we can change, they will be in the room for too long and must be according to the style and decor we have chosen.

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There are people who want to take no chances and want all of one color, but that would lead to monotonous. Now we should not go to extremes, if obtamos by various colors we may fail in the attempt to be innovative. The key to everything is super easy as we are not sure what color palette to use, let us focus on 3 colors that occupy most of the place. This will help you to form your palette.

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For example, we can look at the color of the floor, of course if we have not thought to change it. Then we have the brown color , but it would be illogical if our floor is we buy some furniture that color it, because the mimetizaríamos completely. You have to think colors that complement that color.

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Another super important, and we should consider for our palette, the color of our walls . They should contrast, in a manner consistent with future nuetras complement furniture and providing dynamism. When we have defined our palette we check each color chosen with the light of place, but of course we do not complicate choose 3 colorsthat combine. This point is very important not to forget.

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Something you should know is that the color you choose in the store did not look the same in our house or depa, by different aspects such as lighting, hababitación size or the color of the walls. One option is that you take a pictureand see what that is in your living room.

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I know that choosing the model is the first step, but I also know it can be very complicated. However, deciding the color is not easy. If we have the perfect design, that it takes our breath away, but things in life are not our color, I would not know. To do a good tip is to ask first thatmodels are in the color you have in mind.

Some combination of colors that work are orange with blue on furniture and walls, respectively. You can also choose furniture gray and orange walls. Another thing we can do is to use accessories to liven if opted for neutral colors.

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Good luck to undertake the adventure by choosing the perfect color for your furniture . Eye not have to suffer much. Try to share the task with someone super special and above all fun. Total successes and have if I have how they fared.

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How to choose the colors of my furniture

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