Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mechanisms of sofas: a brief overview with pictures

We offer a furniture item for every taste and color to any interior . Let’s talk about one of the most important pieces of furniture, namely the couch!

Agree sofa – it’s the furniture that is in almost every home and not in a single amount. A quality sofa will give you a comfortable pastime and a sweet dream.

But the variety of mechanisms sofas can enter into a stupor. What to choose??


a49fd mehanizmy divanov



So, first decide how you will use it. Will there be another sofa and sleeper or just a decoration living room.

Consider the most common mechanisms of folding.

  • “Book”

  • “Evroknizhka”, also known as “tick-tock”

  • “Dolphin”

  • “Sedafleks” or “French clamshell”

  • “Accordion”

  • “Cougar”

Let’s start from the beginning.

Sofa book - it’s a sofa with the simplest mechanism. These sofas are very familiar from Soviet times. They are still in demand in small apartments because of the small depth. It’s simple. For the layout of the sofa seat to lift up until it clicks and overturn the sofa back.




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Disadvantages of this model is the absence of the back is flat packed (although now there is a model, and with the back), a compound of two units of the middle couch. Such a connection may promyatsya with time and form a pit.


“Evroknizhka” or “tick tock” , are divided into two categories: Walking (pantograph) and withdrawable.All you need to uncover the couch walking beam mechanism – it’s a little lift to the top of the seat and pull it toward you. After the lower back to the space formed. Roll-out “evroknizhka” is practically the same thing, but do not need to lift up the seat. Just pull the unit forward.


df2da divan evroknizhka 07 f895e divan evroknizhka 01 f895e divan evroknizhka 02 82138 divan evroknizhka 03 82138 divan evroknizhka 04 82138 divan evroknizhka 05 13c43 divan evroknizhka 06


Lows in the possible draw-out mechanism scratching the sofa legs sex.


“Dolphin” is often found in the angular models. For the decomposition of such a mechanism needs a little effort. Additional power is hidden under a seat. Hand take up the loop that is sewn to the lower block, pull over, after the unit left, raises them up.


13c43 divan delfin 02 13c43 divan delfin 01 0470f divan delfin 03 0470f divan delfin 04


Cons – is the lack of a box and unlike blocks of each other (one will be a little longer than the other) in the direct models.


“Sedafleks” or “French clamshell” more guest options.

The mechanism is hidden inside the couch. For the layout of the model with the “sedafleksom” should be removed from the cushion of the seat, to take up the pen, pull over and take out the mechanism, then laid out as a normal cot. I note that on the cot mattress should be, its quality depends on the model.


4ee9d divan sedafleks 1


“French” is a folding metal frame around the perimeter and in the middle of the rack decking. ”Sedafleks” a stronger version of the sofa. Instead of using strips or metal belts.


4ee9d divan francuzskaja raskladushka 02 b1ce7 divan francuzskaja raskladushka 01


Cons – is the lack of underwear drawer in the direct model, the need to remove the seat cushions.


b1ce7 mehanizm divana akkordeon “Accordion” - a foldout sofa forward. Perhaps the most lightweight and durable mechanism.For the layout, simply lift the seat and pull the sofa itself. ”Accordions” are divided into metallokarkasnye and ordinary.


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Cons of sofas. Conventional models (not on the metal) bulky and heavy, usually characterized by a large depth.



This sofa with a secret that will surprise you to easily unfold and a large bed. As well as at the “Dolphin” for the second unit is hidden under a seat. For the layout you will need to lift the seats and put it on the floor.The second unit itself will rise from under the bottom. Typically, these sofas are different flat bed.


6daf9 divan puma 3 6daf9 divan puma 1 6daf9 divan puma 4


Cons – is, again, the lack of underwear drawer models in direct and large size.


It’s not all sofas that we can find in the stores. The main thing when choosing the model you like you clear about where you put it and how much space it will take you. Remember, trading pavilions furniture does not seem so dimensional as in your apartment.

Mechanisms of sofas: a brief overview with pictures

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